Common Discomforts and Symptoms During Pregnancy

//Common Discomforts and Symptoms During Pregnancy
Common Discomforts and Symptoms During Pregnancy2017-09-01T20:32:58+00:00

First Trimester (1-14 Weeks)

  • Fatigue
  • Morning sickness
  • Increased urination
  • Fullness or mild aching in your lower abdomen
  • Breast tenderness

Second Trimester (14-28 Weeks)

  • Breast changes
  • Leg cramps
  • Increased urination due to an enlarging uterus
  • Low backache – this discomfort is common especially in the last month of pregnancy due to muscular strains from your changing posture.  An effort to maintain good posture and avoid standing for long periods of time may help.  Also, elevate your feet frequently.
  • Pelvic aches and hip pain
  • Stretch marks and skin changes
  • Heartburn – this occurs due to an enlarging uterus pushing against your GI system.  Antacids such as Tums can relieve these symptoms.  Also, eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding fatty, greasy foods or bedtime snacks will help.  Sit up after eating.
  • Constipation – continue eating a high fiber diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables.  Drink an abundance of water.  Taking over the counter stool softeners like Colace can help.
  • Hand pain, numbness or weakness (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

Third Trimester (28 Weeks – Birth)

In addition to the above symptoms:

  • Baxton Hicks contractions – “warm up” contractions that do not dilate or change your cervix.
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling – many factors contribute to swelling during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy including standing too long and decreased circulation due to the growing uterus.  The best remedy is to rest on your left side several times a day and elevate your feet.  Stay hydrated.
  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Breathing difficulties due to an enlarging uterus pushing up under the diaphragm.  Your lungs have less room to expand causing you to take frequent, shallow breaths.