Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Placement

//Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Placement
Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Placement2017-09-01T15:33:19+00:00

Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Placement

First the insertion site is prepped with alcohol. The pellet(s) are most commonly inserted near the hip; however some women choose to have the implant inserted in the lower abdomen. The pellets are approximately the size of a Tic-Tac. The prepped site is anesthetized with buffered Lidocaine. A small incision (5 mm) is made in the skin. This allows for the insertion of the pellet(s). The pellet(s) are inserted into the subcutaneous fat using a specially designed trocar.

Following the insertion, a Steri-strip is applied to reapproximate the skin edges. No stitches are required. Gauze is then taped into place covering the Steri-strip. Pressure is applied for a few minutes before leaving the office. You may resume regular activity upon leaving the office; however I ask you to refrain from strenuous activity or heavy lifting for 24 hours.